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The Advisory Board

We are honored to have the following people serving on the Interwoven Congregations Advisory Board!   As we continue the work of promoting racial healing across the United States, they will provide invaluable guidance to the Interwoven Board and staff.

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Anton Ahrens


Lay chair of Topeka JUMP (Justice Unity & Ministry Project), retired educator


Topeka, Kansas

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Rev. Michael Brooks


Pastor, The Oasis Church, President of Concerned Clergy of Kansas City


Kansas City, Missouri

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Phyllis K. Lerner


Instructor, Johns Hopkins Univ., Fulbright Specialist (Rwanda), member, Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation, Jews United for Justice


Bethesda, Maryland

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Dr. Catherine Meeks



Founder, Turqoise & Lavender, Former Director, Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing


Atlanta, Georgia

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Steven Shindler



Former CEO, Nextel International; venture capital entrepreneur;    philanthropist


Darien, Connecticut


Rev. Cassandra Wainright


Pastor, Heaven Sent Ministries and member of Concerned Clergy    of Kansas City


Kansas City, Missouri


Ambassador Andrew Young


Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; former mayor of Atlanta; civil rights leader & author


Atlanta, Georgia

We  gratefully acknowledge the service of prior Advisory Board Members, including  professor Rory Bahadur, Dr. Myron McCoy, and Itzbeth Menjivar.

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