Take Antiracism Action
Deepening our own understanding of the ongoing legacy of racism and white supremacy is key. Building relationships across the barrier of race is also vitally important. In too many cases, however, this is where the work ends. But neither our enhanced personal knowledge or one-to-one relationships we forge across the racial divide will by themselves narrow the wealth gap between whites and blacks. Or improve the quality of education for students of color. Or protect black drivers during a traffic stop. Or ensure that people of color get the quality of health care they deserve. Or guarantee that voters of colors can freely exercise their franchise.
So Interwoven Congregations supports faith communities in their efforts to address the systemic nature of racism in our society. Building on our enhanced knowledge and ever-growing cross-racial relationships, Interwoven supports congregations as they examine their own histories and practices that may be tinged by race -- and taking steps to promote racial justice and equity in their own institutions. We help congregations, either singly, in partnership with another congregation, or in groups to identify ways they can help uproot systemic racism in their immediate community and in society at large. And Interwoven Congregations helps equip individuals to identify what they can do in their own personal lives and spheres of influence to challenge systemic forms of racism.
This is the long game. The challenge before us may feel overwhelming at times. It’s complex. But as the old saying goes, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is today. Step by step, person by person, congregation by congregation, we can contribute to a national movement to confront and reform systems to advance racial justice in concrete ways.
Contact us if you would like to join the Interwoven Congregations network and be an agent for racial justice and healing.
But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!
- Amos 5:24